Unlocking the Secrets of The Kybalion: A Guide to Hermetic Wisdom

Explore the Seven Timeless Principles That Can Transform Your Understanding of the Universe and Your Life

“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

This quote encapsulates the Hermetic principle of Polarity, highlighting the interconnectedness and relativity of opposites in the universe.

You can find this quote in The Kybalion by the Three Initiates. For more insights and discussions on this quote, you can visit Goodreads: Goodreads

Google’s Deep Dive Podcast: Unlocking the Mysteries: The Timeless Wisdom of The Kybalion

The Kybalion: A Comprehensive Introduction to Hermetic Philosophy

The Kybalion is a foundational text of Hermeticism, an esoteric belief system that has fascinated spiritual seekers, mystics, and philosophers for centuries. Published in 1908 by the anonymous authors known as “The Three Initiates,” the book distills the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, a legendary figure believed to be a combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. Hermes Trismegistus is traditionally considered the originator of Hermeticism, an ancient philosophy that blends aspects of Egyptian, Greek, and Christian thought.

The teachings in The Kybalion present a framework for understanding the universe, the human experience, and the relationship between mind and matter. Hermeticism emphasizes the idea that the physical and spiritual realms are interconnected and governed by universal laws. Through the application of these principles, individuals are encouraged to live in alignment with the fundamental forces of the universe and achieve personal transformation.

The Seven Principles of The Kybalion

At the heart of The Kybalion are seven core principles that define Hermetic philosophy. These principles serve as a guide to understanding the nature of reality and how individuals can work with the forces that shape their lives. Let’s explore each principle in greater detail:

1. The Principle of Mentalism

“The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”
This principle is perhaps the most fundamental of all the Hermetic laws. It asserts that the entire universe is a mental construct, and everything within it is shaped by consciousness. The “All” refers to the universal source or origin, which is pure consciousness or mind. This is not to say that everything is an illusion, but rather that the universe exists within the mind of the “All,” and our own minds are connected to this universal intelligence.

The idea that “the Universe is Mental” means that our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs have the power to shape our reality. It aligns with modern scientific ideas in quantum physics that suggest consciousness may play a crucial role in the formation of physical reality. In practical terms, this principle teaches that by mastering our thoughts, we can influence the conditions of our lives. Mindfulness, meditation, and visualization are powerful tools that allow individuals to direct their thoughts in a way that brings about desired change.

2. The Principle of Correspondence

“As above, so below; as below, so above.”
This principle expresses the interconnectedness between different planes of existence. It suggests that the same patterns exist across all levels of reality, whether they are physical, mental, or spiritual. The phrase “As above, so below” means that the structure of the universe at the macrocosmic level (the vastness of the stars, planets, and galaxies) mirrors the microcosmic level (the structure of the human body, the atom, and other small-scale systems).

Understanding correspondence allows us to discern patterns within the world around us, both in nature and in our lives. It offers the insight that by understanding one level of existence, we can understand others. This principle is particularly useful in spiritual practices, as it encourages individuals to look for spiritual truths in the world around them, from the movements of celestial bodies to the rhythms of nature.

For instance, the cycles of the moon and the seasons can be seen as reflecting larger spiritual truths. By recognizing these patterns, one can learn to navigate the rhythms of life and develop a deeper connection to the universe.

3. The Principle of Vibration

“Nothing rests; everything moves and vibrates.”
According to this principle, everything in the universe is in constant motion, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies. The principle of vibration holds that all matter and energy, including our thoughts and emotions, vibrate at different frequencies. This idea is central to modern physics, where everything is understood to be energy in motion, with each object or phenomenon vibrating at a specific frequency.

What does this mean for us on a personal level? It suggests that by tuning our own vibrations, we can affect change in our lives. Negative thoughts and emotions often vibrate at a lower frequency, while positive thoughts and emotions resonate at a higher frequency. By consciously raising our vibration, we can attract positive experiences and people into our lives. Practices such as meditation, affirmations, and gratitude can help individuals raise their frequency and align with the higher vibrations of love, peace, and joy.

4. The Principle of Polarity

“Everything is dual; everything has poles.”
The principle of polarity teaches that everything has an opposite or dual aspect. Light and dark, hot and cold, good and bad — these are not separate and independent forces, but two extremes of the same underlying reality. Understanding this principle allows individuals to see the fluidity and interconnectedness of opposites. It shows that every quality has its opposite, and by shifting our perspective, we can move between these poles.

For example, if someone is feeling stuck in a state of negativity or sadness, they can consciously shift their focus and find the opposite pole — happiness, peace, or love. This shift does not ignore the negative feelings but recognizes that within every dark moment lies the potential for light. By consciously choosing to focus on the higher aspects of any situation, individuals can transform challenges into opportunities for growth.

5. The Principle of Rhythm

“Everything flows in and out; everything has its tides.”
The principle of rhythm describes the cyclical nature of existence. Just as the tides of the ocean ebb and flow, all aspects of life — emotions, fortunes, seasons, and even our personal experiences — move in cycles. Life is full of ups and downs, but the rhythm of life is natural, and these cycles must be embraced rather than resisted.

By understanding the principle of rhythm, individuals can learn to flow with the natural cycles of life, accepting that difficult times will eventually give way to better ones. This understanding brings peace and resilience during moments of challenge, as it reminds us that everything is temporary, and the pendulum of life always swings back to balance.

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect

“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.”
This principle teaches that nothing happens by chance. Every action, thought, or event in the universe has a cause, and every result has its source. It emphasizes personal responsibility, as it encourages individuals to recognize that their actions, thoughts, and emotions are the causes of their experiences.

Understanding cause and effect empowers individuals to make conscious choices, knowing that every decision they make creates a ripple effect in their lives and in the world around them. If someone wishes to bring about positive changes, they must first change their internal state and take action that aligns with their desired outcomes.

7. The Principle of Gender

“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles.”
The final principle of The Kybalion suggests that gender exists not just in physical beings but in all things. Everything in the universe contains both masculine and feminine energies. The masculine principle is associated with action, logic, and assertiveness, while the feminine principle is linked to intuition, receptivity, and nurturing. These energies are complementary, and balance between them is essential for harmony.

This principle teaches that in order to achieve personal growth and spiritual enlightenment, one must balance both the masculine and feminine aspects of themselves. Cultivating inner harmony involves nurturing both sides of the self — embracing the qualities of both assertiveness and receptivity, logic and intuition, action and contemplation.

Applying the Principles in Daily Life

While the principles of The Kybalion are deeply philosophical, they also offer practical guidance for day-to-day living. By embracing these laws, individuals can align themselves with the forces that shape the universe and create more fulfilling, harmonious lives.

  • Mind over Matter: By consciously controlling thoughts and emotions, one can influence external circumstances. Meditation, affirmations, and visualization are ways to direct the mind toward positive outcomes.
  • Recognizing Patterns: The principle of correspondence teaches us to see the connections between the macrocosmic and microcosmic worlds. This helps us understand that what happens in one area of life often reflects deeper truths that can be applied elsewhere.
  • Embracing Cycles: The rhythm of life reminds us that challenges are temporary. By acknowledging the ebb and flow of our experiences, we can learn to ride out difficult times with patience and trust in the inevitable return of balance.
  • Cause and Effect: Every action has a consequence. By making conscious choices and taking responsibility for our actions, we shape the course of our lives and influence the world around us.

Conclusion: A Journey of Transformation

The Kybalion is not just a philosophical text — it is a manual for personal transformation. The teachings of Hermeticism invite individuals to understand the underlying laws of the universe, apply them to their lives, and achieve greater harmony, wisdom, and power. By embracing these principles, individuals can learn to navigate life with clarity and purpose, unlocking their fullest potential and living in alignment with the natural rhythms of the universe.

In a world where the search for meaning and self-understanding is universal, The Kybalion offers a timeless and profound guide for those willing to explore the depths of reality and their own consciousness.

The Awakening of Sol

The Awakening of Sol

Sol stood before the mirror, staring at their reflection as if it were the first time they had truly seen themself. The person in the glass was different from the one they had known all their life, and yet they felt, for the first time, wholly themselves. They had spent decades of their life searching for the right words to define who they were, trying to fit into boxes that never quite made sense. But today, everything had shifted. Today, they had embraced their truth.

Born with both male and female characteristics, Sol had been assigned female at birth. Their parents, well-meaning but unprepared for the complexities of their body, had raised them as a girl, though they always noticed something unusual. As they grew older, Sol didn’t fit the mold of a typical woman, nor did they feel fully connected to the male roles their peers suggested. The world labeled them “confused,” “different,” and “not quite right.” These labels followed them throughout childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, leaving them feeling like an outsider, like a puzzle piece that didn’t belong in any one place.

In their twenties, Sol stumbled upon a dusty old book in a library, its pages yellowed with age. The book was about Hermeticism, an ancient philosophy that taught that the universe was governed by unchanging laws. One chapter, in particular, resonated deeply with them—the Principle of Gender. It spoke of the fluidity of gender, the idea that both masculine and feminine energies reside within all people, and that true balance comes from embracing both. They felt an instant connection to these teachings. For the first time in their life, the words seemed to explain everything they had struggled to understand about themself.

Sol spent the next several years delving deeper into Hermetic philosophy and gender theory, learning about the existence of intersex identities and how they were often erased by societal expectations. They discovered that intersex people like themself had always existed throughout history, but their voices had been muted or silenced. Their authentic self was emerging, piece by piece, from the shadows of confusion into the light of self-realization.

At first, the knowledge was liberating, but also frightening. How would they tell the world who they truly were? How would they be received by friends, family, and strangers who only knew the version of them they had been told to expect? Would they understand? Would they accept them?

Sol didn’t have all the answers. The journey was long, with many difficult moments, but each day they began to feel more at peace in their body, more at peace with their identity. The pieces of their puzzle started to fit together. Their experiences—those moments of confusion, frustration, and isolation—now made sense. They understood that their struggles were not their fault but a result of societal expectations that didn’t fit who they truly were.

As they continued their personal journey, Sol realized they weren’t alone. They started to meet other intersex individuals, people who had also struggled with their identities, who had been silenced by society’s narrow views of gender. Sol became a leader and a guide for them, someone who had walked the difficult path of self-discovery and found acceptance and peace. They became a teacher, sharing the wisdom they had gained from The Kybalion and other spiritual philosophies, encouraging others to embrace their authentic selves and to see the beauty in their differences.

In their thirties, Sol began to lead workshops for intersex individuals. They taught them about gender fluidity, about embracing both the masculine and feminine within themselves, about the ancient wisdom of Hermetic principles that transcended time and culture. They traveled the world, meeting people from all walks of life—intersex individuals from different races, ethnicities, and religions—helping them to understand that their intersex identities were not something to be ashamed of but something to be celebrated.

Sol had also found love in the arms of another intersex person, a beautiful woman named Nyasha who, like Sol, had struggled to find acceptance in a world that demanded conformity. Together, they built a life that was founded on love, respect, and understanding. Nyasha helped Sol realize the full extent of their own power, and Sol, in turn, taught Nyasha how to embrace her full identity, not as society expected, but as she was meant to be.

As Sol’s reach expanded, their impact on the intersex community was profound. They created safe spaces for intersex people to come together, to share their experiences, and to learn from one another. They spoke at conferences, sharing their story of transformation and self-acceptance. Their words were always filled with the wisdom of The Kybalion, the ancient teachings that had helped them unlock their own potential.

Their workshops and teachings resonated with people from all corners of the globe—Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, and secular communities, each one finding something in their words that spoke to their hearts. Sol’s message transcended the borders of religion, race, ethnicity, and gender. They showed everyone who met them that the struggle for authenticity was universal. No matter who they were or where they came from, they could all find peace in embracing their true selves.

As they grew older, Sol knew that their mission was far from over. There were still countless intersex individuals who were struggling to find their way, still too many who were living in the shadows. But they had made a difference, and for every life they touched, for every person who came to understand their true self, they felt the universe shift ever so slightly toward balance.

Sol had found their place in the world—not as someone who was “assigned” a gender, but as a leader, teacher, and guide to others who sought to find their true selves. They had become the embodiment of the Hermetic principle: “As above, so below; as within, so without.” Through their journey of self-discovery, Sol had learned to embrace both the masculine and feminine energies within them, and in doing so, they had become whole.

In the quiet moments of reflection, Sol would often think back to that first book they found all those years ago. It had been the catalyst for their awakening, the spark that had ignited the fire of their transformation. And now, standing before their reflection, they knew that their journey was not just their own. It was the journey of countless others—intersex people, marginalized communities, anyone who had ever felt different, rejected, or unseen. Together, they would rise, and the world would finally begin to see them, not as anomalies, but as the beautiful, diverse, and powerful people they had always been.

And with that, Sol smiled, knowing that their work was far from over—but it was certainly on the right path.


The story of Sol illustrates a powerful truth about the journey toward self-discovery and the importance of embracing one’s authentic identity, especially when that identity doesn’t conform to societal expectations. For Sol, as an intersex person, the struggle to reconcile their internal sense of self with the labels imposed by the outside world was long and difficult. However, their journey is a reminder that true peace comes not from fitting into a mold but from recognizing and accepting the full complexity of who we are. The wisdom found in ancient teachings like The Kybalion—which emphasize balance, harmony, and the fluidity of gender—helped Sol understand that their struggles were not a result of something being “wrong” with them, but rather a reflection of the restrictive, often misguided frameworks that society forces upon us. In this way, Sol’s story speaks to anyone who has ever felt “othered” or misunderstood, encouraging us all to embrace the full spectrum of our identities, whether they are gendered, racial, or otherwise.

Additionally, the story demonstrates how embracing one’s true self has the potential to not only bring inner peace but also to inspire and uplift others. Sol’s transformation from a person burdened by societal expectations to a leader who helps others find their own truth is a testament to the ripple effect of authenticity. By being true to themselves, Sol creates spaces for other intersex people to embrace their identities without shame. This teaches us the importance of creating inclusive communities where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is seen for who they truly are. Sol’s story encourages readers to reflect on how they can contribute to this process of acceptance and growth—not only for themselves but for others who may still be struggling with the weight of societal norms and expectations.


The Kybalion, excerpted here, is a text presenting the seven Hermetic principles: **Mentalism (all is mind), Correspondence (as above, so below), Vibration (everything vibrates), Polarity (everything is dual), Rhythm (everything flows), Cause and Effect (everything happens according to law), and Gender (masculine and feminine principles). The book emphasizes the mental nature of reality and how understanding these principles allows for mental transmutation, achieving mastery over one’s life and environment. It also explores the concepts of The All (the underlying reality) and the planes of correspondence, illustrating how these principles apply across various levels of existence. Finally, the text stresses the importance of practical application and warns against half-truths and incomplete understandings.

Briefing Document: The Kybalion – Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece


This document analyzes the core themes and ideas presented in the provided excerpts from “The Kybalion,” a text attributed to Three Initiates, exploring the Hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece. The Kybalion posits that fundamental esoteric teachings originated in ancient Egypt, particularly through the figure of Hermes Trismegistus (Thoth). It focuses on seven Hermetic Principles and the concept of Mental Transmutation. The text emphasizes the importance of understanding these principles for personal development and mastery, while also cautioning against misinterpretations by the “half-wise.”

Key Themes and Ideas:

  1. The Origin and Authority of Hermetic Teachings:
  • Ancient Roots: The text establishes the ancient origins of Hermetic teachings in Egypt, associating them with the figure of Hermes Trismegistus, revered as “the thrice-great,” “the great-great,” and “Master of Masters.” These teachings are presented as the foundation for esoteric and occult knowledge influencing various ancient civilizations, like India, Persia, and Greece.
  • “From old Egypt have come the fundamental esoteric and occult teachings which have so strongly influenced the philosophies of all races, nations and peoples, for several thousand years.”
  • Hidden Wisdom: The Kybalion presents itself as a guide to this hidden wisdom, which is not readily accessible to everyone. It emphasizes that understanding the principles requires inner development and is not simply a matter of intellectual comprehension.
  • “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding.”
  • “If you are a true student, you will be able to work out and apply these Principles—if not, then you must develop yourself into one, for otherwise the Hermetic Teachings will be as ‘words, words, words’ to you.”
  • Law of Attraction: The text suggests that those who are ready for the knowledge will be drawn to it, implying a Law of Attraction at play.
  • “So that according to the Teachings, the passage of this book to those ready for the instruction will attract the attention of such as are prepared to receive the Teaching.”
  1. The Seven Hermetic Principles:
  • The Kybalion outlines seven core principles governing the universe:
  • Mentalism: “THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.” This principle asserts that the universe is fundamentally mental, a creation within the mind of THE ALL. It posits that all things, including matter, energy, and life, originate from this infinite mind. This understanding gives the individual the key to manipulating their mental state, and understanding the very nature of the Universe itself.
  • “This Principle, by establishing the Mental Nature of the Universe, easily explains all of the varied mental and psychic phenomena….”
  • Correspondence: “As above, so below; as below, so above.” This principle emphasizes that patterns and laws manifest across all planes of existence, reflecting the same underlying principles at different scales. This principle is particularly important when analyzing mental phenomena through the lens of physical phenomena.
  • “…the phenomena of one plane may be employed to solve the riddles of higher or lower planes.”
  • Vibration: “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” This principle states that all is in constant motion and vibration, with differences in vibration resulting in variations in forms of matter, energy, and consciousness. This principle demonstrates that change is the only constant.
  • “…the degrees of vibration constitute the planes.”
  • Polarity: “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” The text proposes that all things have two poles or opposite aspects, which are essentially the same but differ only in degree. This principle also presents a paradox where things can be both something and nothing at the same time.
  • “Thesis and anti thesis are identical in nature, but different in degree.”
  • Rhythm: “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” This principle describes the constant ebb and flow, the pendulum-like motion present in all aspects of life. This principle is also linked to the operation of the law of Causation and Effect.
  • “There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and a retreat; a rising and a sinking.”
  • Cause and Effect: “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.” This principle dictates that every effect has a cause, and nothing exists without being caused by something else. The idea that “chance” is simply a law that is yet unrecognized, and that higher laws govern the lower.
  • “Masters obey the Causation of the higher planes, but they help to RULE on their own plane.”
  • Gender: “Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.” This principle establishes that everything possesses both masculine and feminine principles, which are not merely sexual, but rather the creative forces present on all planes.
  • “No creation, physical, mental or spiritual, is possible without this Principle.”
  1. Mental Transmutation:
  • Transformation of Mind: The text asserts that mental states can be transformed by changing one’s vibration, effectively manipulating reality through conscious effort. This is done by using the will and changing the attention to create the desired state.
  • “Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted, from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole; vibration to vibration. True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art.”
  • Alchemy of the Mind: The Hermetic teachings emphasize the application of mental laws instead of haphazard methods, drawing parallels between mental mastery and alchemical transformation.
  • “The Hermetic Student is enabled to apply intelligently the great Mental Laws, instead of using them in a haphazard manner.”
  1. The Nature of THE ALL:
  • Unknowable Essence: The text posits the concept of “THE ALL” as the ultimate reality, a foundation beyond human comprehension, which can only be understood through its manifestations, not its essence.
  • “In its Essence, THE ALL is UNKNOWABLE.”
  • Infinite and Eternal: “THE ALL” is described as infinite, eternal, immutable, and absolute, existing beyond the limitations of time and space.
  • “THE ALL must be INFINITE, for there is nothing else to define, confine, bound, limit or restrict THE ALL.”
  • Living Mind: The text explains that “THE ALL” is not a distant force, but rather an infinite and living Mind which is the source of all creation.
  • “THE ALL is Infinite Living Mind.”
  1. The Mental Universe:
  • Creation Through Thought: The universe is presented as a mental creation of “THE ALL,” analogous to how humans create mental images.
  • Multiple Universes: “THE ALL” creates countless universes in its mind, implying a vastness beyond our comprehension.
  • “THE ALL creates in its Infinite Mind countless Universes, which exist for aeons of Time…”
  • No True Separation: While seemingly separate, all things are contained within the mind of “THE ALL.”
  • “While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in All.”
  1. The Divine Paradox:
  • Illusion vs. Reality: While acknowledging the universe as a mental creation, the text cautions against denying its reality as we perceive it. It is real in a secondary way to “THE ALL”
  • “The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws ; the higher against the lower ; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph.”
  • Practical Application: The text emphasizes the importance of using this knowledge to improve life and achieve mastery, rather than dismissing the world as an illusion.
  • “Rather let us, recognizing the real nature of the Universe, seek to understand its mental laws, and endeavor to use them to the best effect in our upward progress through life, as we travel from plane to plane of being.”
  • Protection within THE ALL: The text offers solace in the idea that all beings are secure within the infinite mind of “THE ALL,” free from any true threat.
  • “There is a world of comfort and security in this realization when once attained.”
  1. Planes of Existence:
  • Degrees of Vibration: The text proposes that “planes” are not places, but rather degrees of vibration within the Infinite Mind of THE ALL. These planes range from the physical, through the mental and spiritual, and each is divided into seven minor planes, and again subdivided.
  • “The Hermetists sub-divide each of the Three Great Planes into Seven Minor Planes, and each of these latter are also sub-divided into seven sub -planes…”
  • Physical, Mental, and Spiritual: The text differentiates between the physical plane (material things and forces), the mental plane (thoughts, feelings, etc.) and the spiritual plane (essence of life).
  • “The Great Physical Plane, and its Seven Minor Planes, is that division of the phenomena of the Universe which includes all that relates to physics, or material things, forces, and manifestations.”
  1. The Masculine and Feminine Principles:
  • Mental Duality: The principle of Gender is explored beyond the concept of sex, into the duality of the mind, with the “I” representing the masculine (will, action) and “Me” representing the feminine (thinking, nurturing).
  • “The “I” represents the Masculine Principle of Mental Gender—the Me’ represents the Female Principle.”
  • Mastering the Mind: The text stresses that true power comes from balancing and mastering both principles in the mind, by using the Masculine principle of will to direct the feminine.
  • “The strong men and women of the world invariably manifest the Masculine Principle of Will, and their strength depends materially upon this fact.”
  1. Spiritual Development:
  • Inner Recognition: Spiritual development is defined as the realization, recognition, and manifestation of the Spirit within.
  • “This is what spiritual development means—the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Spirit within us.”
  • Eternal Growth: The text also teaches the eternal nature of life, and that death is simply birth into another realm, leading eventually to higher and higher planes of existence.
  • “And Death is not real, even inthe Relative sense—it is but Birth to a new life and You shall go on, and on, and on, to higher and still higher planes of life…”


“The Kybalion” presents a complex and comprehensive system of Hermetic philosophy. It argues for the fundamental mental nature of the universe, the existence of seven universal principles governing all of existence, and the possibility of personal and spiritual transformation through the mastery of the mind. The document emphasizes practical application and cautions against simplistic or misinterpreted understandings, urging the reader to diligently study and apply the teachings to one’s own life and path to mastery. The text also establishes the divine aspect of the self, by placing all beings within the mind of THE ALL. This path requires a deep understanding of these teachings and their practical application through the will.


1. What is the Kybalion and its central philosophy?

The Kybalion is a study of the Hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece. It presents the core teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, revered as a great sage and the source of wisdom. The central philosophy of the Kybalion is rooted in the idea that “THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.” This posits that the universe and all within it are essentially mental creations within the mind of THE ALL, the ultimate, unknowable reality. This idea establishes a foundation upon which the other Hermetic principles are built.

2. What are the Seven Hermetic Principles outlined in the Kybalion, and what does each one mean?

The Kybalion outlines seven fundamental principles:

  • Mentalism: “THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.” This principle states that the universe is a mental construct created within the mind of THE ALL. It explains that all of reality is fundamentally mental in nature.
  • Correspondence: “As above, so below; as below, so above.” This principle suggests that there is a constant correspondence between different planes of existence. Patterns and principles are mirrored from the highest spiritual planes to the lowest physical ones, and vice-versa.
  • Vibration: “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” This principle states that everything is in constant motion, vibrating at different rates. These vibrations distinguish different forms of matter, energy, and mental states.
  • Polarity: “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” This principle posits that all things have two poles or opposite aspects. These opposites are, in reality, just different degrees of the same thing.
  • Rhythm: “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” This principle explains that everything is subject to a measured to-and-fro movement, like a pendulum or a tide.
  • Cause and Effect: “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.” This principle asserts that every action has a corresponding reaction, and everything happens according to immutable law.
  • Gender: “Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.” This principle states that there are both masculine and feminine energies present in all things on all planes of existence, and they are necessary for creation and generation. Gender is not limited to physical sex; it refers to generative principles.

3. What is meant by “Mental Transmutation” and how can it be achieved?

Mental Transmutation, according to the Kybalion, is the art of changing or transforming mental states and conditions. It’s akin to the ancient alchemists’ work of changing base metals into gold, but applied to the realm of thought and feeling. It involves the understanding and application of the Hermetic principles, particularly Vibration and Polarity. Mental transmutation is achieved by using the will to direct one’s attention towards a more desired state of being. This, in turn, changes the vibratory rate of one’s mind. The principle of polarity allows you to shift from one pole of an experience to another by understanding that “opposites” are merely different degrees of the same quality.

4. How does the Kybalion explain the nature of “THE ALL,” and what are its key characteristics?

The Kybalion describes “THE ALL” as the ultimate, unknowable reality, the substantial reality underlying everything. “THE ALL” is posited as Infinite, Eternal, Unchangeable, and Absolute. It is also described as “LIVING MIND,” but this is an infinite living mind, far above what humans usually understand as life and mind. “THE ALL” is essentially Spirit. While “THE ALL” is unknowable in its essence, reason and logic compel the understanding that it must encompass all that is and that it cannot be bound by any restrictions. It is considered to be both everything and, at the same time, beyond everything.

5. How does the Kybalion explain the relationship between the Universe and “THE ALL”?

The Kybalion states that the universe is not “THE ALL” itself, nor is it separate from “THE ALL.” Instead, the Universe is explained as a mental creation within the mind of “THE ALL”, similar to how a human creates mental images. This means the universe is not a part of “THE ALL” that broke off, nor is it a physical creation using external substances. Rather, the Universe exists solely as a manifestation of “THE ALL’s” infinite mind, which is both its “womb” and its “substance”.

6. What is the significance of the Principle of Gender, and how does it manifest on different planes of existence?

The Principle of Gender is not about physical sex but rather refers to the presence of both masculine and feminine energies or principles in everything. It manifests on all planes – physical, mental, and spiritual – as a creative force that allows for generation, regeneration, and creation. On the physical plane, it manifests as sex. On the mental plane, the masculine principle is related to the will (the “I”), while the feminine principle (the “Me”) corresponds to the mental space where thoughts are generated. The feminine is the receptive, while the masculine is the assertive, and these principles are in play at all levels of being.

7. How does the Kybalion suggest individuals can achieve mastery over their lives and experiences?

The Kybalion suggests individuals can achieve mastery by understanding and applying the Hermetic principles. By recognizing the mental nature of the universe, they can learn to consciously control their thoughts, feelings, and actions through mental transmutation. The ability to polarize one’s mind, neutralize the rhythm of emotions and desires, and act as a cause rather than being merely an effect are essential. Mastery involves aligning with the higher laws and using those laws to control the lower aspects of existence, rising above reactive states to consciously create and navigate one’s own experience.

8. How does the Kybalion explain the nature of reality, particularly concerning matter and the physical world?

The Kybalion explains that the physical world, or matter, is not a solid or permanent reality but rather a manifestation of mental energy, or a vibration of the mind of “THE ALL.” Matter is seen as an aggregation of atoms, which themselves are composed of vibrating units of force. Ultimately, matter is a mental creation. Though the physical world appears real to our senses, it is not as ultimate or absolute as the mental realm. The Kybalion does not deny the relative reality of the physical plane but stresses that it can be mastered by an understanding of the underlying mental principles. The “illusion” of the physical world is part of a divine paradox – real in its own way, but not an ultimate reality.

The Kybalion Study Guide


Instructions: Answer each question in 2-3 sentences.

  1. Who was Hermes Trismegistus, and why is he significant in the context of this text?
  2. What is the Principle of Mentalism, according to The Kybalion?
  3. Explain the Principle of Correspondence and give a specific example of it at work.
  4. What does the Principle of Vibration state about the nature of the universe?
  5. Describe the Principle of Polarity, and how does it relate to the concept of opposites?
  6. How does the Principle of Rhythm manifest in the world, according to the text?
  7. How does The Kybalion differentiate between Gender and Sex?
  8. What is the Hermetic concept of “The All”?
  9. How does the text explain the creation of the universe in relation to “The All”?
  10. According to the text, how does one achieve mastery over their mental states?

Answer Key

  1. Hermes Trismegistus was an ancient Egyptian figure, revered as a sage and the founder of Hermeticism. He was considered a source of wisdom and was later adopted by the Greeks as the god Hermes. The text is dedicated to him.
  2. The Principle of Mentalism posits that “The All” is mind, and that the entire universe is a mental creation of “The All.” This means that reality, as we know it, is fundamentally mental in nature.
  3. The Principle of Correspondence states that there is a correspondence between different planes of existence, such as “as above, so below.” For instance, the way humans create mental images is analogous to how “The All” created the universe mentally.
  4. The Principle of Vibration asserts that everything in the universe is in constant motion and vibration. Differences in vibration create the diverse forms of energy and matter. Nothing is at rest.
  5. The Principle of Polarity states that everything has two poles or opposite aspects that are ultimately the same but different in degree. Opposites are seen as two ends of the same spectrum. For example, love and hate are poles on the same spectrum of feeling.
  6. The Principle of Rhythm is seen in the ebb and flow of all things such as the tides, the rise and fall of nations, and even in personal mental states. It describes a measured, pendulum-like movement between two poles of expression.
  7. The Kybalion explains that Gender in a Hermetic sense, is the generative force of creation and is present on all planes. Sex, on the other hand, is just a physical manifestation of gender on the material plane. Gender also applies to the mental realm.
  8. “The All” is the term the Hermetists give to the underlying reality, the absolute, eternal and unchangeable. It is considered infinite and unknowable, yet it is the source of all creation.
  9. The text suggests that “The All” creates the universe through a mental process, similar to the way humans create mental images. The universe is therefore seen as a mental construct within the mind of “The All.”
  10. Mastery over mental states is achieved by understanding the Principle of Vibration, using Will to direct attention, and by applying the Principle of Polarity to consciously change one’s mental poles from a negative to a positive one. It is also important to be able to neutralize rhythm by focusing on a higher plane of consciousness.

Essay Questions

  1. Discuss the seven Hermetic principles outlined in The Kybalion, and analyze how they interrelate to form a cohesive worldview.
  2. Explore the concept of “Mental Transmutation” as presented in the text. How does this process work, and what are its implications for personal development and understanding of reality?
  3. Analyze the text’s treatment of the relationship between the individual and “The All,” as well as the implications this has for the purpose of human existence.
  4. Compare and contrast the Hermetic understanding of the universe with a modern scientific perspective. Are there areas of overlap or irreconcilable differences?
  5. Discuss how the concepts in The Kybalion can be applied to daily life for self-improvement and a deeper understanding of personal experiences.

Glossary of Key Terms

  • The All: The underlying, infinite, and unknowable reality, the source of all creation. It is considered Mind itself.
  • Hermeticism: A tradition of philosophical and religious teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
  • Mentalism: The principle that all is mind, and the universe is a mental creation of “The All”.
  • Correspondence: The principle that there is a connection between different planes of existence, mirroring each other “as above, so below.”
  • Vibration: The principle that everything is in constant motion, with different rates of vibration determining the nature of reality.
  • Polarity: The principle that everything has two opposite poles that are ultimately the same thing but on different degrees or ends of a spectrum.
  • Rhythm: The principle of ebb and flow, of measured motion between two poles, present in all phenomena.
  • Gender: The generative force or the process of creating, begetting, and generating present on all planes (not to be confused with sex). It consists of the Masculine and Feminine aspects.
  • Mental Transmutation: The ability to change mental states and conditions by shifting vibrations and applying mental force.
  • Plane: A condition or degree of dimension subject to measurement within the scale of the universe. This is not a place, but a state of being.
  • Neutralization: A process of overcoming the swing of the mental pendulum by establishing one’s mental polarity on the higher plane of consciousness.
  • Will: The mental faculty that can direct one’s attention and, thus, change one’s mental state and conditions.

🌌 Unlock the Secrets of the Universe! 🌌
Dive into the timeless wisdom of The Kybalion and explore the Seven Hermetic Principles that govern our lives and the cosmos. Whether you’re new to Hermeticism or deep into spiritual exploration, this guide will provide insights that transform your understanding of the universe and yourself.

Read the full article now and begin your journey!
👉 https://tatanka.site/kybalion-hermetic-principles-guide


  • The mysteries of Polarity, Vibration, and Correspondence.
  • How Universal Laws shape our reality.
  • Powerful insights to apply in everyday life for personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.

💫 Are you ready to align your life with the ancient wisdom of the universe? 🔮

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