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On this day in 1997, Radiohead released “OK Computer”

In the depths of a digital age, Where wires intertwine with our souls, A sound emerges from the static haze, Echoes of a world we barely know. Radiohead’s “OK Computer” album, A masterpiece of haunting melodies, A journey through a fractured reality, Where machines hum with human frailties. Thom Yorke’s voice, a whisper in the chaos, Singing of alienation and despair, Guitars wail like sirens in the night, Drums beat like a heart consumed by fear. From “Paranoid Android” to “Exit Music”, Each track a chapter in a dystopian tale, A mirror held up to our fractured society, Reflecting back the darkness we inhale. “Karma Police” patrol the airwaves, As “No Surprises” play on repeat, A soundtrack for the disillusioned, A requiem for the obsolete. “OK Computer” speaks to our fears, An oracle of a future unknown, A warning wrapped in sonic beauty, A lament for a world overthrown. So press play and let the music wash over you, Let the static fade and the voices clear, For in the heart of Radio