(AI Gen) ኮኮያ፣ ቡና እና ገና መምህራን
Cocoa, Coffee & Christmas Carols
TATANKA’s ኮኮያ፣ ቡና እና ገና መምህራን (Cocoa, Coffee & Christmas Carols) (2024) Full Album (57:47)
Google’s Deep Dive Podcast: ኮኮያ፣ ቡና እና ገና መምህራን
As the holiday season approaches, we often find ourselves immersed in the bustling world of decorations, gifts, and festive traditions. Yet, the true essence of Christmas lies not in the material trappings but in the quiet moments of love, reflection, and connection we share with one another. “Cocoa, Coffee & Christmas Carols” is an album that explores this deeper spirit of the season, inviting listeners to pause and reflect on what truly matters—kindness, unity, and the joy that arises from simple, heartfelt moments.
Through a blend of acoustic melodies and thoughtful lyrics, this album takes you on a journey from the peaceful stillness at the close of the year to the lasting impact of the Christmas spirit. Featuring both English and Amharic versions of the title tracks, “Cocoa, Coffee & Christmas Carols” celebrates the universal themes that make the holiday season special, regardless of background or culture. Join us as we unwrap the true heart of Christmas, one song at a time.
Story and Music
ቴና አስገራሚ
Cocoa Dreams

The story begins in the heart of Tena’s wonder, as Christmas draws near. The air is filled with the scent of cocoa, filling the house with a comforting warmth. Tena’s excitement builds, not for grand gifts or flashy decorations, but for the small, simple joy of a warm cup of cocoa on Christmas Eve. Cocoa, in this world, is more than just a drink; it is a symbol of the love that fills the home—comforting, soothing, and ever-present. The warmth of the mug feels like a hug, wrapping around Tena’s heart as she waits for the arrival of Christmas morning.
In the quiet of the home, Tena drifts into a peaceful slumber, visions of cocoa and Christmas carols dancing in her head. This is the magic of the season—the way the world slows down just for a moment, and everything feels right. It’s not the presents under the tree that matter most to Tena, but the simple, loving gestures of the season. The night feels alive with the promise of what’s to come, and the warmth of the cocoa fills the room with the kind of peace that only Christmas can bring.
As Tena dreams, she is surrounded by memories of holidays past—perhaps a gift of chocolate from a loved one, or the joy of Christmas carols sung by the family. This moment is timeless, a memory that will linger long after the cocoa has cooled and the last carol has been sung. Tena’s cocoa dreams are filled with the essence of love, warmth, and the knowledge that these simple joys are what make Christmas unforgettable.
ሶበት እና አንበሳ
Verse 1:
በማታ እንደ ተነሳ እንደ መንፈስ ስንት ነገር
ሶበት እንቀሳቀስ የእሳት ቀን ተከታተል
በአንተ እና አንባሳ ወደ ሴት ተለማመን
ሶበት እና ስንታወቂ እሱም እበል
Verse 2:
ሶበት ሲጠጣ በገለል ይጠነናል
ስምንት እንደሌላ ትምክህተት ይሳስበኛል
በጣም ተቀላቅለኝ በሶበት በሁሉም
መማር እቃም ትም ይረበል በዚች እና ነጭ የበል
ሶበት ማሳሰት የማረፍ አምባል ሠላም
አንባሳ በቀይም ቅንጠል አሳሰባለን
እንዴ ምን በዚህ ሕብረት እንደው ታማን
የቤት ማኅበር ማሳበስት አምቡትም
Verse 3:
ሶበት አምባል ያህል ታዋቂ እንኳ
በሁሉም በተወሰኑ ምስጢራት ተለመሩ
አብድ በል በእንቁላል ሶበት ታቀረ ወቅታ
ከሐምር ሰላም ተስፋዊ ላላት
ዘመናችን አዳሽ አማኝነት በአሳ በስተች
ሶበት እና አንበሳ በአንተ ተስፋ አሳሰበኝ
እንደ እንቁላል ማኅበሩ በማኅበሩ
እንደ በረከት በአሰላም አማኝነት
Genna Nights

The night of Ethiopian Christmas, known as Genna, arrives with its own special magic. The air is crisp, and families gather together, dressed in white, their faces glowing with the joy of the season. The night is alive with the sound of carols, both old and new, blending harmoniously as the community comes together to celebrate. The energy is palpable, as people gather in homes, in churches, and in the streets, sharing food, laughter, and stories. There is a sense of unity, as if the entire community is bound together by the warmth of the season.
In this moment, Tena steps outside and watches the festivities unfold. The lights of the houses flicker in the distance, casting a warm glow against the cool Ethiopian sky. The air smells of incense, and the sound of drums and tambourines fills the streets. There is an almost mystical quality to this night—the way the carols seem to rise up, carrying the prayers and hopes of the people into the heavens. It’s a celebration of life, faith, and togetherness, where each song sung carries the weight of tradition and the promise of hope for the year to come.
For Tena, Genna is more than just a holiday—it is a connection to her roots, a deep reminder of the love and faith that binds generations together. As the carols echo through the night, Tena reflects on her own place in this tradition. She is not just a part of the celebration; she is carrying forward the legacy of those who came before her, and she carries the warmth of those memories in her heart. Genna nights are a time to look back and move forward, knowing that with each year, the cycle of love and celebration continues.
ገና ማታ
Verse 1:
ከእርስዎ በመልእክት እንዴት አንድ ትንሽ
አንድ እንደተለማመን ማኅበሩ ይገምታል
እንደ አምስት ስልኮት ከማርነት ተስፋ
ገና በእንተ በመለምታበለየ መርገት
Verse 2:
በሁሉን እንደአሳከኝ ሰባሳባ ከባሄሩ
ጥሩ እንኳ አምስት አቤት አሳሰበም ቤት
ሆናች በበርከታችን በእቀት ድምበማደር
ገና ማታ አንዱን እንዴት አንበላል
ገና ማታ በድምብ መስታወት አምላክ
በአባል የስልኩ ውክልና መንጋት
እንቁላል በላበት ተስፋን ተመኝ
እንግዲህ አስቸላቸልን በተስፋ አዳም
Verse 3:
ሰብስከኛና አልፎ መናክሮት አማለት
አሳባ እርስ ለመመጣን ጓዳ እበል
በሰባሳባ ቴምብሳ ትምክህተት እሰበት
እንቁላል የበረከት መኖርቶ ስምንት
ሶስቱ እንደተለማመን ተሳሰበን ሰላም
ድምብ በመመለከት አድኖነት አምባል
ገና ደሞ በአንበሳ በአምስት እንደሚሆን
እንዴት ውክልና ᐨ አንባሳባብ
Chocolate for Christmas

The holiday season brings with it the tradition of gift-giving, but for Tena, it is the simple act of receiving a small gift that holds the most meaning. A piece of chocolate, wrapped carefully in festive paper, is placed into her hands, and it’s as if time stops for just a moment. It’s not the extravagance of the gift that matters, but the thought and love behind it. Chocolate, sweet and comforting, represents a deeper connection—the kind of love that doesn’t need to be flashy or expensive, but one that’s felt deeply and without question.
Tena remembers the joy of receiving such gifts as a child. She thinks back to the first time she was given chocolate at Christmas—how it felt to hold that small, simple treat in her hands, knowing it was a token of someone’s affection. The warmth that spread through her body wasn’t just from the sweetness of the chocolate, but from the connection it created. It’s in these small moments that the true meaning of Christmas shines through. This is the essence of the holiday—how it brings people together, how the simplest gesture can create the most lasting memories.
Now, as an adult, Tena understands that it is the thought, the love, and the intention behind the gift that makes it special. Chocolate at Christmas is no longer just a treat—it is a symbol of everything the holiday represents: love, nostalgia, warmth, and connection. The memories of those childhood gifts live on, reminding Tena that it’s not the size or value of the gift that matters, but the heart behind it.
ቸኮላት ለማህበረሰብ
Verse 1:
አንዱ በበላ ሰንበት አንዱ ማህበረሰብ
እራስ እንዴ በጨረቃ በሰላም ሁኔታ
አምስት ምርጥ ገና ለእንቁላል አለኝ
ልጆች እንዴት በአእምሯ ይህን ይስማማቸው
Verse 2:
በአቤቱ ስም ውክልና ᥨማህበረሰቡ
ገና ሁኔታ በᐱ እንቁላል
በአምስት ልጅ ይስማማችሁ ሀምሌ
እንዴት ሀበረ እንቁላል
ቸኮላት ለማህበረሰብ አንዱ በላበስተ
በተሳእት አስቸላቸልን አምላክ ምስጋና
ይኖረኝ በዕውቀት አሳኦተ በደስታ
ቸኮላት ሁኔታ አሁን በገበሬ
Verse 3:
ከግኝተ በበላስ አንበሰ ሁኔታ
ሁኔታ ᨠሁን አንዱ ለላባችሁ
እንዴት ᗋበምም ልእት እስከመላሊ በደስታ
አንዱ ለማህበረሰብ ለተመንታቸው
አበማ ማህበረሰብ በᐰማምሳተ አሁን
ቸኮላት ለቀላል ᅮላንዱ አጀምባ
በሚሁም ᗋበበላ አቤቱ በስታᥴ
ቸኮላት ተመከም ሁኔታ አሁን በገበሬ
Cocoa & Coffee

As Tena sits by the fire, the evening settles into a quiet rhythm, and the warmth of the cocoa and coffee begins to sink in. These two beverages, each with their own unique history, intertwine in Tena’s mind. The cocoa—a comforting tradition from her childhood, rich and sweet—merges with the deep, earthy aroma of Ethiopian coffee, a drink that’s far more than just a morning pick-me-up. Coffee here is a sacred ritual, a way of connecting with family and friends, of telling stories, and of passing down wisdom.
In this moment, Tena reflects on the significance of both drinks. The cocoa, like the Christmas spirit, is soft and gentle, wrapping her in a sense of calm and nostalgia. The coffee, strong and bold, awakens her senses, reminding her of the hard work and perseverance that’s woven into her culture. Both drinks carry with them the essence of home, of family, and of the deep-rooted traditions that have shaped Tena’s life. The juxtaposition of sweetness and strength mirrors the balance of life itself—joy and sorrow, light and dark, rest and effort.
The fire crackles, the smell of coffee and cocoa fills the air, and Tena sips her drink slowly, savoring the peace of the evening. It’s a moment of reflection and gratitude—a moment to honor the past, while also embracing the present. As Tena looks out the window at the snow gently falling outside, she realizes that Christmas is not just a time of celebration; it’s a time to acknowledge the small, simple pleasures that make life meaningful. And in that, the cocoa and coffee symbolize everything she holds dear—family, tradition, and the love that fills her heart.
ቆኮአ እና ቡን
Verse 1:
አንድ በማህበረሰብ አማኑኤል ባሰላም
ቦታ በቆኮአ በቡን ማህበረሰብ
አምላክ ለማህበረሰብ ማህበረሰብ
ቡንን ቆኮአ ይቻለበት በማህበረሰብ
Verse 2:
አንዱ ሰው በስታ ማእሰላላ
ደባበት ቦታችን በቆኮአ በሀበረሰብ
ቡን በተሞላ በቁም ሁኔታ
በጠፈላ ማህበረሰቡ ከጀመሪት
ቆኮአ እና ቡን አንዱ በለማህበሰብ
ማህበረሰበሁ ምንጭ ማህበረሰቡ
ማህበረሰብ በቁም ሁኔታ
ቆኮአ እና ቡን ባሰላማት
Verse 3:
ምንበረሰቡ በጠቃላት በአላክታ
በማህበረሰቡ አᠪበልና ባሰላማት
በተሞላ ቦታ በበላስ
ማህበረሰቡ በአማን ይቀላቀላ
ሐምሌ አማክበ እንቁላል በረስተ
ማህበረሰቡ በቆኮአ እና ቡን
በምንበረሰቡ ያህ በአማኪ በቆኮአ
ቆኮአ እና ቡን በማህበረሰቡ
Genna Carols

The sound of Genna carols fills the night air, rising and falling in a beautiful melody that speaks to the soul. Tena steps outside and listens, feeling the music wash over her like a wave. It’s a song of faith, hope, and joy—a song that transcends time and connects her to generations of people who have sung these very carols before. The voices of the carolers, accompanied by drums and tambourines, echo through the streets, carrying the spirit of Christmas to every corner of the town.
Tena feels a deep sense of belonging, surrounded by the warm embrace of the community and the shared joy of the season. There’s something incredibly powerful about the way the carols unite everyone, no matter their background or station in life. In this moment, Tena realizes that Christmas is not just about personal celebration; it’s about coming together, sharing in the beauty of life, and celebrating the divine. The sound of the carols becomes a kind of prayer, a message of peace and goodwill that resonates deeply within her heart.
As Tena listens to the carols, she is reminded of the way music can heal and bring people together. The carols serve as a reminder that even in difficult times, there is beauty to be found in the simplest acts—like gathering together, singing, and celebrating the blessings of life. Tena closes her eyes and allows the sound to fill her, knowing that the love and joy of the season will continue to resonate long after the last note fades into the night.
ገና መልስተዋል
Verse 1:
በቆላ ማንበሪት የገና መልስተዋል
እንተኛ አውቅ ተመልስቷ እንደ እምነት
መልስተዋል ይገናበት ማህበረሰቡ
ሰላምና ፍቅር እስከ መልስተዋል
Verse 2:
እንባ ተስፋ ማንበሪት በሁሉም አመት
ህብረት በገና በሚካኤል ማእበረሰቡ
በሁሉም ተንበለ ማህበረሰቡ ይሁን መልስተዋል
እምነትን መልስተዋል ሰላምና ማእኛ ማቅረት
ገና መልስተዋል እምነት ሰላም ልምድ
መልስተዋል ይከተሉ በአንደኛ የጉዞ
ማህበረሰቡ በገና መልስተዋል መንገድ
በሰላም የገና መልስተዋል መልስተዋል
Verse 3:
የገና መልስተዋል ባላችሁ ወደ ሰላም
መልስተዋል በእምነት መታመን ማቅረት
ሰላምና ፍቅር በህብረት ተስፋ አሳየ
በገና መልስተዋል ማህበረሰቡ እምነት
መልስተዋል እምነት በእምነት ሰላም
በቀደምት መልስተዋል አበረታ
በገና መልስተዋል ህብረት አንድ
በመልስተዋል የገና ሰላም አማን
Gifts of Love

Christmas morning dawns, and Tena wakes to the quiet joy of a new day. There are no grand gifts under the tree, no extravagant surprises. Instead, the gifts she receives are simple but deeply meaningful. A hand-knitted scarf from a grandmother, a hand-carved wooden ornament from a sibling, a bag of homemade chocolates from a neighbor—all small, but all full of love. These gifts, while humble in nature, speak volumes about the relationships that shape Tena’s life. It’s not about what is given, but about the care and thoughtfulness behind each gesture.
Tena thinks back to the gifts she received as a child. The cocoa and chocolate were always the highlight of the season—small tokens of love that carried with them memories of the past. It’s the thought behind each gift that matters, not the price or the size. The memories of Christmas mornings filled with laughter, warmth, and family are the true gifts of the holiday. As Tena unwrapped each gift, she was reminded that love is the most precious thing we can give and receive.
Sitting down to a Christmas breakfast with her family, Tena realizes that the true magic of Christmas isn’t in the presents, the decorations, or the food. It’s in the love shared between people—the quiet moments of togetherness, the shared laughter, and the unspoken bonds that make the holiday special. And as she sips her cocoa and savors the taste of chocolate, Tena knows that these small moments are the ones that truly define Christmas. It’s not about what we receive, but about the love we give.
ፍቅር ስጦታ
Verse 1:
ገና እንቆቅልሽ እንደ ማህበረሰቡ ተሞልቷ
በግልጽ የተሰማሪ ፍቅር እንጂ
ሰላም በተሞላ በተልዕኮ በፍቅር
እንጂ አማን ተማማኝነት ወደ ሳንትኛ
Verse 2:
ስጦታ አሳብ ማህበረሰቡ በተመንኛ ስጦታ
አውራጅ በተመን አማን ይነበበት
በእኛ በእንደታ ስቱኒ ስጦታ
ፍቅርን መልስተዋል ለማህበረሰቡ መልስተዋል
በተሞላ አማን ፍቅር ስጦታ
በፍቅር የተሞላ ሳንት ሀምላ
በገና መልስተዋል አባቶች እኛ እትችት
የምርጥ አማን የምርቱ ፍቅር ማህበረሰቡ
Verse 3:
ተሞላ በፍቅር ማህበረሰቡ ተሞላ
በአማን ሆነ ተሰማሪ ለተሞላ
በምንም ነጠቅ በእኛ በመልስተዋል
አንድ በእናተሞላ ውስጥ የተንከተላ
አንደኛ ማንበሪት ስማኔ የሚታወቅ
የትኛውም ፍቅር ይሰጠልሁ በመላ ዘር
ማህበረሰቡ አመልክቶ በአንደኛ እናት
ስለ በአማን አማን በእኛ ፍቅር
The Christmas Table

The Christmas table is set with care, each dish a labor of love, rich with history and tradition. As Tena walks into the room, the sight of the feast fills her with a deep sense of gratitude. The table is a beautiful array of family recipes—roast lamb, injera, stews, and a warm pot of spiced honeyed tea. Each dish tells a story, passed down through generations, flavored with the memories of shared meals and cherished moments. There’s a sense of reverence in the air, an understanding that these traditions carry more than just sustenance; they carry the spirit of the family.
Sitting at the table, Tena looks around at her loved ones, their faces glowing in the soft candlelight. The conversations are lively, filled with laughter and stories of Christmases past. There’s a shared understanding that, while the meal is an important part of the celebration, the true gift is the company of those gathered together. The food becomes a symbol of nourishment—not just for the body, but for the heart and soul. Tena thinks of all the meals she’s shared throughout her life, and how, no matter the circumstances, the love present in those meals always made everything seem a little brighter.
As the meal winds down and dessert is served, Tena reflects on the gift of togetherness. There are no grand gestures, no extravagant moments. It’s the quiet, unspoken love shared in the act of breaking bread together that truly makes the day special. Tena sips her tea, feeling the warmth of the holiday wrap around her like a comforting embrace. Christmas is a time of celebration, yes, but it’s also a time to reflect on what matters most—the bonds of family, the memories we create, and the love we share.
የገና ጠረጴዛ
Verse 1:
በመምሰል ገበታ ቆሞ ሰማሪ በበልጠኝ ተስፋ
ምግቡ በስም እንደ አለም በባህላት ታሪክ
እርስዎ ሲቆሙ ስለ ምን እንዲህ አልተለመደም
ማንኛውም ምግብ የፍቅር ቅርብ ባህል ነው
Verse 2:
ምሳሌን በሰፋላ ማሰባሰብ ተስፋ አምነው
በእሴቱ ማሕበረሰቡ እንደ ተስፋ ቆሞ ማሰባሰብ
እነዚህ ታሪኮች እንደ ትክክል ስለ አንድነት
እንተም አንድ እምነት ይኖረዋል፣ እንተ እንዲህ አምስት
መመኪያ ለምግብ ሰንበት በመላ በእምነታችን
አሳሳቢ ድንበር በአንድ እባክ ሲሰማባም ሁሉ
አዝ ሲሆን ለምትወደድ በተስፋ እምነት
በእኛ በሰላምና በልብ አንድ ሁሉ ትወክላል
Verse 3:
በሰላም በምግብ ሕብረቱ ተስፋ በመሰለው
በእሱ አንዳንድ ሳምንት በአሰቡኝ በማታ
በጉድስ በተአምሩ እንዴ በህብረቱ
ምን እሴት ሲሆን ይኖረዋል
Verse 4:
አምላክ ስብስከታቸውን በሰላም በትምት
አምላክ የታሪኩን ቀና በመቅና በደህንነት
እንኩዋን በመሰማት በማት በረቡስ
እሴቶችን ማንኛውም አንዴ ይከነታል
አንደኛ ከመንገድ ሕብረቱ በተስፋ በሰላም
በስም በበለኝ አንድ አምላክ ምን አሳስበኛል
ባህል አሰባሰቡ በተስፋ በላይ ምሳሌ
በስህተት ለሚሰጠኛ የምስክርችን ሁሉ፣
The Gift of Time

Christmas Day begins to fade into the evening, but the warmth of the day lingers in Tena’s heart. The gifts exchanged were meaningful, but there’s one gift that stands out above all others—the gift of time. Time to spend with loved ones. Time to reflect, to rest, to listen, and to be present. In a world that moves so quickly, Tena is reminded of how rare and precious this gift truly is. It’s not about the material things or the to-do lists; it’s about slowing down, taking a deep breath, and fully embracing the moments that matter.
Tena spends the evening with her family, playing games, reminiscing about the past, and simply being together. There’s no rush, no pressure to do anything other than enjoy each other’s company. The time they spend together feels like a sacred pause, a breath of fresh air in the midst of a busy life. Tena realizes that, often, we give the most of ourselves when we give our time, when we choose to be present with others, free from distractions. It’s the moments of stillness and connection that fill the heart the most.
As the night winds down, Tena looks around the room at her family, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment. The tree is lit, the carols have faded, and the food is eaten, but the love that fills the room is everlasting. The gift of time has been the most precious of all, and Tena makes a promise to herself to carry that gift into the coming year—to be present, to give time to the people who matter most, and to cherish the moments of stillness that bring peace to the soul.
የጊዜ ስጦታ
Verse 1:
በምሽቱ ጊዜ ሁሉም ይታጠቃል,
ነገር ግን ፍቅር በልብ ቆሞ እንደ እንባ፣
እንኳን ምንም ሰጥተኝ ሳይኖረው,
በጊዜ ማቅረብ ምን እንደ እርግጠኝ አውቆ እጅ ሰጠኝ።
Verse 2:
እንዴት ያማረ እንቆቅልሽ ሲደርስ,
ሰላም በሁሉም ሰው ተሞልቷል እንደ ምንም,
በመካከል ተቀምጠን በሰላም ሁሉ,
ሰላም እንዲደርስ በጊዜ መኖር አሳስቦበት።
Verse 3:
በሙሉ እንባ በሰጠኝ የፍቅር ጊዜ,
ያህል በማኅበረሰቡ ልዩ ምን በቅርብ፣
እንዲሆን በጊዜ ሁሉ ተቀምጠን የፍቅር,
ከሁሉም በላይ የሚገኝ የምርት።
በምርት ሁሉ ተሰጥቷል,
እንደ ህይወት መንገድ በመሄድ፣
የምስጋና ጊዜ ስለተሰጠኝ,
ሁሉ በምርት በተማረ ሁሉ እንባ፣
ጊዜ ማቅረብ በሰባት ምንም አይሰጥም,
ነገር ግን እንዲሆን የምንቀኛ እንዴት,
አካል ተሞልቷ በተመጣጣኝ ሰላም,
በእንባ ማቅረብ እንዴት እንዴት።
Christmas Memories

The days after Christmas are filled with a sense of quiet reflection. The excitement of the holiday has passed, but the warmth of the memories lingers. Tena takes a moment to look through old photographs, tracing the faces of those who have come and gone. Some have passed on, others are no longer in touch, but each memory holds a special place in her heart. Christmas is not just about the present moment; it’s about remembering all the Christmases that have come before, the people who shared them, and the lessons learned along the way.
As Tena flips through the pages of her life, she recalls the Christmases of her childhood, when everything seemed simpler, and the world was full of magic. She remembers the laughter of her parents, the joy of opening presents, and the love that filled the air. The years may have passed, but the memories remain, each one a precious reminder of the love and connection that made those Christmases unforgettable. It’s in these memories that Tena finds solace, a sense of continuity that bridges the past with the present.
In this quiet moment, Tena realizes that Christmas is a celebration of the heart. It’s not just a holiday; it’s a living, breathing thing that evolves with us as we grow. The memories of Christmases past shape the way we experience the present, and the love we share with others creates the foundation for future celebrations. As Tena sits by the window, watching the snow fall softly outside, she feels a deep sense of peace. Christmas may come and go, but the memories, the love, and the spirit of the season remain with us always.
የገና ትውስታዎች
Verse 1:
በማቅረቡ የምርት ቀን ያህል,
በአንዱ ተሞልቷ በእርሱ ታሪክ በሚሆን፣
እንዴት በህብረተሰቡ ሰባት ሰዎች,
በተለያዩ ዘመን እንዴት አምላክ በሰላም።
Verse 2:
ማህበረሰቡ በእርሱ ተቆጣጠረበት,
በመሆን የምርት በሥራ፣
ከተለያዩ በመስማት ወቅት አሳይ፣
አባታት ተሞልቷ በጊዜ መኖሪያ ቀረበት።
Verse 3:
እንዴት በስለሆነ የማህበረሰቡ,
በተመለከተው ተመልከቱ በሚኖረው፣
በጊዜ ማህበረሰቡ ስለመልእክት፣
ስለማኅበረሰቡ በእንባ ሰባት።
Verse 4:
በስለሆነ በአባታት የምርት እንባ,
በምርት ሁሉ ምን በስለሆነ ተመልከቱ፣
በምርት ሁሉ በመኖሪያ በሰላም,
በማኅበረሰቡ በሰላም ተመልከቱ።
በስለሆነ በመኖሪያ ተመልከቱ,
ምን አሁን በሁሉ ምርት እንደአምላክ,
በልቦና ምንም ተመለከት በሰላም,
በእንባ ስለመልእክቱ።
ሰባት ሰዎች እሱ የጊዜ መንገድ,
ተስማሚ እንዴት አሳማር አቅሙኝ,
ሰላም እንዲያወጣ በመኖሪያ ያማረ,
እንዴት አሳማር በጊዜ የምርት ቀረበት።
A Winter’s Glow

As the final hours of Christmas Day fade into night, a soft glow fills the house. The fireplace crackles, and outside, a blanket of snow gently covers the world, turning it into a winter wonderland. Tena steps outside, breathing in the crisp, cool air, feeling the weight of the season settle gently on her shoulders. The glow of the streetlights reflects off the snow, creating a peaceful, almost magical atmosphere. It’s a moment of quiet reflection, a pause that captures the essence of the holiday—a time to rest, to appreciate, and to remember.
Tena looks around, noticing the small details that make this moment so special. The sound of distant carolers, the flicker of candlelight in nearby windows, and the quiet hum of life going on around her. This simple scene—a quiet winter evening—is a reminder that Christmas doesn’t have to be loud or extravagant to be meaningful. Sometimes, it’s the soft, unspoken moments that hold the most magic. Tena takes a deep breath, savoring the silence, the beauty of the night, and the love that still lingers in the house, filling her with a deep sense of contentment.
As Tena returns inside, she feels the warmth of the hearth and the comfort of those she loves. The glow of the fire matches the warmth in her heart. This is the gift of Christmas—a feeling that lasts beyond the day itself, carried in the memories, the traditions, and the love that fills each and every room. Christmas may be over for another year, but its glow will continue to shine in the hearts of those who embrace it.
የክረምቱ ብርሃን
Verse 1:
በእንባ ምሽት በተሞልቷ ቤት፣
በአሰላላ አየሁ እርባብ ሰላም፣
እንግድ በማን ተኛችሁ,
ለመኖሪያ ሰላም በሀኪም ቤት።
Verse 2:
እርሱ በምሽቱ እንዴት ተማሪ አሁን,
በሁሉ እንባ አሰባሳት በገለጸበት፣
በጀንበና ለመኖሪያ ቀን አሳማሪ፣
በአባት እንባ የምርት ቀረበት።
Verse 3:
በአንዱ ማህበረሰቡ በሠላም በተመለከቱ,
በአማም የመላላኩ በሆነ ድምፅ፣
ለሁሉም ሁሉም ተመልከቱ በመኖሪያ፣
በሰላም የምርት በቤት መልእክቱ።
Verse 4:
ከሁሉ በምሽት እንዴት በአጀን አስተሳሰት፣
እንባ ለመኖሪያ ሰላም በአጀንባቸው፣
እንባ በመኖሪያ በሰላም በገለጸበት፣
አሁን በማኅበረሰቡ ተመልከቱ።
በማቅረቡ የመልእክት አማም፣
በምሽቱ ሁሉም በሰላም ተማሪ፣
ምን በምሽቱ በምርት በመኖሪያ,
አሁን በቤት ተስማማል።
በጀንበና ምስክር በምሽቱ,
ለሁሉ በሰላም እንባ ባልቀመቱ፣
በለመልካም ሁሉም በእንባ የምርት ቀረበት፣
በሠላም በተመለከት በመኖሪያ በሀኪም ቤት።
The Gifts We Give

As the days following Christmas stretch into the New Year, Tena reflects on the true meaning of giving. Gifts were exchanged, yes, but the most treasured gifts were not wrapped in paper or tied with ribbons. The gifts that mattered most were the small acts of kindness—the helping hand offered when needed, the smile shared across the table, the words of encouragement given when times were tough. These gifts, intangible and often unnoticed, are the ones that truly make the holiday season special.
Tena thinks back to moments shared with loved ones: the laughter over the dinner table, the stories exchanged by the fire, and the quiet comfort of being together. These simple acts are the true gifts of Christmas, gifts that can’t be bought, but are instead given freely, from the heart. As Tena continues to reflect, she realizes that the giving spirit of Christmas extends far beyond one day a year. It’s in the everyday moments, the simple gestures, and the kindness we show one another that the true meaning of giving is found.
Tena makes a vow to carry this spirit of giving into the New Year. It’s not about the things we have or don’t have, but the love we give and the moments we share. Tena knows that the best gift is the one that doesn’t come with a price tag—the gift of presence, of time, and of genuine love. As she looks forward to the year ahead, she is filled with a renewed sense of purpose to spread kindness, joy, and love wherever she goes.
የምንሰጣቸው ስጦታዎች
Verse 1:
አንደአንድ የማህበረሰቡ ትርኢት,
በመኖሪያ ሁሉም ሰላም ሲሰጡ፣
በተሞልቷ በመኖሪያ ተስማማችኝ,
እርሱ ሐምሌም በመኖሪያ ትርኢት።
Verse 2:
እንዴት አማም ሳትተሳሳት,
በᥱዉም በሁሉ ሁሉ በሰላም ጀምባት፣
ህትመታም ለተለያዩ በሬዴትም ሂተት,
አቅላላቾት በᤥዑሪ አቅማ በበህብሱ።
Verse 3:
አንዴ በሐምሌም ትርኢት,
አᅵᅳም ከተመኖሪያ በገለጸበት፣
በᛅሌ በሀሰነቱ ዘመን ተሞልቶ፣
ወጥመታቹ በᐊደንበ ማህበረሰት።
Verse 4:
በሁሉም ሰላማት አምጣ,
ማስተላለፍ በጀልተማማት፣
ሰላም በሙሉ በበምሽቱ ከጀምባ,
በᐅባላች አንተ አላቀማ።
የተስፋማ በአማም ተስማማ፣
በሰላም በᛅሌ ተመንቀሉ ተማር፣
በምሽት በማቴት በስራ ሙሉ ለ᠄ተታ፣
የተመንከራ በበተላይ የሀሞሌም።
አንዴ በምሽቱ በተሞላኝ,
በቅርበት በአᅵሱ ሰላማት ሁሉ፣
ማን በᏒህጀ የᗗ ሲሰበት?
በደመና በሁሉን ስበት ተለቀም።
New Beginnings

As the New Year approaches, Tena reflects on the changes that come with each passing year. Christmas is a time to look back, but the arrival of a new year brings with it the promise of new beginnings. Tena feels a quiet excitement, knowing that the past year’s memories, both joyous and challenging, are part of the journey that has brought her to this moment. The future is uncertain, but there is a sense of hope and renewal that comes with each new year.
Sitting in the quiet of the evening, Tena watches as the clock ticks closer to midnight. The air is filled with the gentle hum of anticipation, the world waiting for the turning of the year. It’s a moment of reflection, a time to let go of the past and embrace the possibilities of what’s to come. Tena holds onto the love, warmth, and memories of Christmas, knowing she will carry those gifts into the future, where new experiences, relationships, and opportunities await.
As the clock strikes midnight, Tena feels a sense of peace wash over her. The new year is a blank page, waiting to be written. And though there will be challenges ahead, there will also be moments of joy, laughter, and love. With a heart full of gratitude and a mind open to the future, Tena steps into the new year, ready for the adventures and gifts that await. Christmas may be over, but the spirit of the season lives on—carried forward in each new beginning, in each new moment, and in the love we continue to give.
አዲስ ጅምር
Verse 1:
ምንም የእንቅስቃሴ በተስፋ ተስፋ,
በመታት በᛅሌ አልትም በቅሬታ,
ሙሉ በተሞላኝ በከፊል ማህበረሰት,
ሁሉንም በአማም በᘃግላችሁ።
Verse 2:
በሕብረታማቸው ይሁን እስከተᤥች በሁሉ በᛅሌ,
በማስተላለፊ በማስተሳሪያ በእስንዴት,
እንደ እማስ በእንቅስቃሴ የተመለከተ,
በማህበረሰባ አዳምት በህለታው እሻላለሁ።
Verse 3:
ምንም አቅማ በማከር ሆማ,
በበምሞላ በበመልአኪ አዋላት፣
ከታዋቂ ስለማት ሞቀማለ፣
ሁሉንም በተሻ አቴባን ባህት አዳምት።
Verse 4:
እሁሉ አምጣም ሐምሌ የገላባ ሁሉ,
በሙሉ በማከማቻተስ ᤁሙላከምበት,
በሳምኪ በታደር ሁሉ,
እንደ ቀጣ አንዳበታ በ᠁ት ከᛅማ።
እንዴት ምስረታ እንደ ተስፋ,
ሁሉ እቻም አምጣ አላቀ በቀን እላተ,
እቻም ስላ በᛅሌ በማህብስ በᦇ,
አቁም የᛅሌ የማᅨማት ተሆላቸ።
በማእከላች ተᤅᦩᛕ አማሜተን፡
በአᛅሌ የሙላበ ቤት፠⠀
በህላባማድ በአᧀ።
Echoes of the Past

As the New Year unfolds, Tena begins to feel a deep connection to her past. The echoes of Christmases long gone ring through her mind, like a familiar melody that resurfaces when she least expects it. It’s the scent of cinnamon in the air, the familiar sound of a loved one’s voice, and the feeling of warmth in her chest. These memories, woven through the fabric of her life, carry with them a sense of continuity, a thread that ties the past to the present. With each passing year, these echoes grow louder, not as a reminder of what’s lost, but as a testament to what has been cherished and remembered.
Tena thinks of her parents, grandparents, and those who have passed away, their presence still felt in the quiet moments of reflection. Even though they are no longer physically here, their love continues to shape Tena’s life. Christmas, for all its presents and festivities, has always been about remembering those who came before, and Tena feels that connection more strongly than ever. As she thinks of these loved ones, there’s a bittersweetness in her heart—a longing for those moments, yet an understanding that those memories are part of what keeps them alive.
In this quiet reflection, Tena finds a deeper appreciation for the legacy left behind. It’s not just about the things she has, but about the love and lessons passed from one generation to the next. These echoes are not echoes of loss, but of enduring love. Tena feels grateful for those who have shaped her, for the traditions they’ve kept, and for the moments that continue to live on in her heart.
አማልጅ ድምጻችን
Verse 1
እድሜ በርታች ምስራች እየሰማ
ቀላል ነገር ሳይሆን ምስጋና
እናቶችና አባቶች የሃላላ ስም
ማኅበረሰብ ሁሉን አቀናቸው እስኪጨርሱ ።
Verse 2
የወጣችን ድምፅ ለህይወት ማህደር
በማህሌት አባቶችና እናቶች ትርፍ ነበር
እንደ ተማሪ ይዘን ፍቅርና እምነት
በጎነት ለዘመኑ እንደገና እንምህ።
Verse 3
የእውነት ምክንያት ምስራች ይደርሳል
አለማችን ለምስላች እንኖራለን
በቅድስት ስሜት እንደ እንደገና እንደፈጠረ
ምስጢር ነው እንደ ቤት በአንድ ታምር።
Verse 4
በረከት በህይወት ላይ ትውልድ እንገናኛለን
በፍቅር በቃል አቀናችን እንደገና እናገናኛለን
ስለ ቤተሰብ በምክንያት ታላቅ መድኃኒት
በተስፋ አስቀምጣቸው እንደ ምስጢር እንዋለን።
ማህልታ የእውነት ድምጽ ሰምተን
እንደ እያንዳንዳችን አማልጅ እንደገና እንጨርስ
ከማህሌት ትምህርት ላይ አስተማማኝ ተግባር
ይቀዘቅል በሕሊና በቅድስት ስሜት።
እናት ፍቅርና ምስጢር በማህሌት
ያንተን እውነት በእንክብካቤ እንደገና እናድስ
ከዚህ እድሜ ሳይጠብቅ በጸጋ እንቆይ
እየማስታወስን አማልጅ ድምጹን እናይ።
The Heart of Christmas

As the winter days draw on, Tena reflects on the heart of Christmas—the love, the giving, and the togetherness that make the season so special. It’s not the gifts, the decorations, or the elaborate meals that matter most, but the love that we share with others. Tena realizes that the spirit of Christmas lives in the everyday acts of kindness—the smile exchanged with a stranger, the hand held during a difficult moment, the comfort of a friend in times of need. These small acts are what truly define the holiday, and they are what make Christmas so meaningful.
In this moment of reflection, Tena is reminded that Christmas is not just a day on the calendar. It is a feeling that resides in the heart, a spirit that can be carried with us throughout the year. It’s in the way we treat others, the way we show up for the people who need us, and the way we open our hearts to love and kindness. Tena vows to carry this spirit forward, not just in December, but in every month, in every moment.
As the snow continues to fall outside, Tena feels a deep sense of peace. Christmas may have come and gone, but its heart—the love, the kindness, and the warmth—remains. She knows that this is the essence of the season, and it is something she can carry with her always. The heart of Christmas is not found in the trimmings or the traditions, but in the love that we give and receive, and the connections that make us whole.
የገና ልቦና
Verse 1
በበኩል ውበት እድገት እናቀብላለን
ለማንኛውም ሰው ምስራች እናስገኛለን
ያደረግነውን ጥሩ ሥራ እንጠብቅ
በአንድነት ልብና እምነት እንኖራለን።
Verse 2
ምስጢራችን ለማህበረሰብ ምስክር
በሰላምና ፍቅር ማረጋገጫ እንኖራለን
በበኩል እንተማምን ምርጥ እንግላት
በስሜት ማህሌት የሰላም ምስጋና።
Verse 3
በእውነት ፍቅር በቅድስት አቀናችን
ምስራች እያደረግን ለታላቅ ጉዳይ
ምርጥ ምርቅ እናገኝ እንደሚኖር
እኛም በፍቅር ተሰናብተን እንኖራለን።
Verse 4
በደጋሜ ቅዱስ ምርጥ አማልጅ
በማህሌት ማህበረሰብ እንምርጥ
ለምክንያት ምስራች እንደ መድኃኒት
ወለድን ማረጋገጫ እንዲኖር።
የገና ልቦና በፍቅር ታምራለች
ለዘለአለም ብርሃን ትሆናለች
በስሜት በምስራች ቀን በላይ
በፍቅር ልቦና ይታወቃል።
የገና ልቦና በዘመኑ በዘመኑ
በፍቅር በእውነት እንደገና እንቀጥላለን
በምስራች በእምነት ስሜት ይሆናል
የልቦናችን አበባ በቅድስት ብርሃን።
A Season’s End

With the first days of the New Year behind her, Tena feels a sense of closure. The season that began with anticipation and joy now winds down to a quiet, peaceful end. The tree is taken down, the ornaments carefully packed away for another year. The lights, once twinkling brightly, are dimmed, and the festive bustle fades into a gentle silence. But even as the decorations are packed away, the spirit of Christmas remains. It’s in the memories she’s created, the time spent with loved ones, and the love that has been shared.
Tena takes a deep breath, feeling a mixture of contentment and quiet sadness. The season has ended, but the feelings it has brought remain. She knows that Christmas, in all its forms, is not just a single day. It is a season of the heart—a season of reflection, giving, and gratitude. And while the outward celebrations may be over, the internal warmth continues to glow. Tena knows that this spirit, this sense of peace, will carry her through the challenges of the year ahead.
As the days pass and the winter settles in, Tena feels a quiet joy in knowing that, even though the season has ended, its lessons and its love will stay with her. The true gift of Christmas is not found in a single day, but in the way it transforms us, the way it encourages us to be better, to love more deeply, and to cherish the moments we have. And as the season draws to a close, Tena feels ready to carry these lessons into the new year, knowing that the spirit of Christmas will never truly end.
የወቅቱ መጨረሻ
Verse 1
በጊዜ ማብቂያ የእንቅስቃሴ ድምፅ
እናንተን ማህሌት ከፍቅር የተዋሄደ
በእኛ ልቦና ለዘለአለም ያዳነ
የገና መንፈስ በአእምሮ በእምነት።
Verse 2
አማልጅ ተዘግቶ ብርሃኑ ተጋጠመ
ነገር ግን ምስራችን ሁሌም አበራ
በውስጣችን በምስራች በምስላህተኛ
የገና መንፈስ ህይወት ይቀጥላል።
Verse 3
በእንባና በስሜት እንጨርሳለን
በምስራች በማኅበር እንቀጥላለን
የወቅቱ ምክንያት በልባችን ሆኖ
በህይወት ላይ ስርህተኛ ትሆናለች።
Verse 4
የገና አበባ እንደ መስኮት ይያዛል
በአንድነት በህልም በማህሌት ተደምማል
በእውነት ምርጥ ነገር እንዳልተው
የገና መንፈስ ከህይወት እንጠበቃለን።
የወቅቱ መጨረሻ በህይወት ትቀጥላለች
በእውነት ፍቅር በልባችን ትኖራለች
እንደ እሳት አበራ በሁሉም ጊዜ
የገና መንፈስ እንደ ብርሃን ታበራለች።
በልቦናችን ምስራችን ሳይጠፋ
በእንቅስቃሴ ቀን ማለዳ እንደገና
የገና መንፈስ ሁሌም ሕይወታችን ይሆናል
እኛን በፍቅር የማህሌት እናስቀምጣለን።
The Promise of the New Year

With the passing of the season, Tena looks forward to the future with a sense of hope and renewal. The New Year is a blank canvas, ready to be filled with new experiences, new challenges, and new opportunities. But as Tena stands on the threshold of this new beginning, she is mindful of the lessons learned during the holiday season—the importance of love, kindness, and the time spent with those who matter most. She knows that, no matter what the year ahead brings, these lessons will guide her, just as the spirit of Christmas continues to guide her through life.
Tena makes a promise to herself: to carry the love and warmth of the season into every day of the year. To be present, to give time to the people she loves, and to keep the spirit of Christmas alive in her actions and her heart. It’s not about making grand resolutions, but about holding onto the small, meaningful moments that truly make life special. Tena feels a sense of peace knowing that she can bring the spirit of Christmas with her into every day, not just December 25th.
As she steps into the new year, Tena feels a sense of excitement for the journey ahead. There will be ups and downs, moments of joy and moments of challenge, but she knows that the promise of the new year is in the hope it brings. And with that hope comes the understanding that no matter what happens, the love shared at Christmas, the love she carries in her heart, will always be the greatest gift. Tena smiles, ready to embrace the promise of the future, knowing that Christmas will live on, not just in memory, but in every day she chooses to give love.
የአዲሱ ዓመት ተስፋ
Verse 1
የእድሜ ጥንድ ዓለም ነው እንዲህ እንበላ
በነፃነት ለአዲስ መንገድ በፍርቃን አበራ
በጎናችን ከልብ ከፍቅር ተንቀሳቅሰ
የአዲስ ተስፋ በእንቅስቃሴ ታያል።
Verse 2
የገና ምርጥ ቃል ማህሌት እንደነበረ
ሁሉንም በፍቅር እንኖራለን ተቀጥሎ
ምስራች አይቀርም በየቀኑ እንደ ምስላ
በተስፋ ሕይወትን እንጠበቃለን።
Verse 3
ማንኛውም ቀን በእምነት የተሸለመ
በቀስተ ቀስት እኛን እንዘምራለን
የአዲስ ዓመት ቀን እንደ እሳት ይነጣጥላል
በስምምነት በፍቅር አበራለች።
Verse 4
በወቅቱ የተረከበ መንፈስ ይቀጥላል
በየቀኑ ሁሌም ለማንኛውም ይኖራል
ህይወታችንን እንደገና እንነጣጠላለን
በፍቅር በምስራች እንቀጥላለን።
የአዲስ ተስፋ በልባችን ያበራል
በህይወታችን ሁሌም በፍቅር ይኖራል
በልቦናችን በማህሌት እናገናኝ
የአዲስ ዓመት እንደ መብራት ይታያል።
አልነበረንም እንኳ ቀናችን ምርጥ ነበር
በወለን በፍቅር በማኅበረሰብ ሁሌ
እንደ እንቅስቃሴ ቀን አዲስ ተስፋ ይኖራል
በልቦናችን እምነትን እናጠበቃለን።
“Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.”
– Unknown

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